Behind the Neighbourhood Plan are a series of policies which set out in detail what it is trying to deliver. You can access the entire Neighbourhood Plan by clicking the button here. Below you will find a summary of each policy with links to the full documents which are available to download.

Policy 1
Policy 1 and the Design Code set out clear design requirements so that planning applications must respond to local character, to raise the quality of design. This is addressing the issue of raising design standards in the Parish. The issue this policy is addressing is the need to raise the standard of design in the Parish. To give more detail, a design code has been prepared, which sits alongside the policy. It identifies what is special in each community within the Parish and sets standards of design which planning applications will be required to meet. The design code is summarised on a dedicated page on this website which you can access from the main menu. There are already two conservation areas in the Parish, at Penn and Penn Street. These recognise the special architectural and historic interest of these villages and were designated by the former Chiltern District. Planning applications in these areas already have to pay particular regard to the special characteristics of these places. The Neighbourhood Plan identifies some other areas, in Knotty Green and Winchmore Hill, which, while not having the same historic qualities as the conservation areas, also have a special character that planning applications need to respond to. It also identifies important views within the street scape. The plans showing these areas, and the important views, are contained with the [document] Another issue that this policy addresses is future changes to new buildings in the parish. Some changes can be made to buildings without the need for planning permission. These are known as ‘permitted development rights’. This Neighbourhood Plan policy removes permitted development rights for new built dwellings. This is because new buildings are often ‘infill’ between existing buildings, with reduced scope for further extensions. This policy is not prohibiting further alterations, but it ensures that planning applications are submitted so that proposed changes can be assessed against the policies in the Neighbourhood and District Plans.
Policy 2
Policy 2 identifies existing buildings in the Parish that have a local historic significance, and ensures that alterations must respect the character of these buildings. This is addressing the issue of ensuring historic character is maintained. This policy ensures that changes to these buildings respect their character. There are already many ‘listed buildings’ in the Parish. These are buildings of regional or national architectural or historic significance, and which are protected by Government policy. But many buildings, which are of local significance, are cherished for the character they bring, and this policy protects these from harmful alterations. Historic England sets out criteria for identifying if buildings have local historic significance. The buildings this plan is proposing to identify for ‘local listing’ can be found at appendix B – see link above. The Parish Council has contacted the owners of these buildings before finalising this draft of the plan. This Neighbourhood Plan policy does not stop these buildings being altered. It simply ensures that any alterations maintain the building’s special character.
Policy 3
Policy 3 requires higher energy standards for new buildings to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and also requires greater tree planting, and the provision of more space for nature. This is addressing the issue of the climate and ecological crisis. New buildings will be required to be ‘carbon ready by design’, achieving, where feasible, ‘Passivhaus’ or equivalent standard. Passivhaus is a recognised international standard for low energy buildings. The policy recognises that this may mean that new homes need to be apartments or terraces, because these have greater energy efficiency. Landscape schemes will be required to achieve more tree planting on site, as well as enhance biodiversity. The uplift in biodiversity means that before a site is developed, the wildlife on the plot must be assessed, and plans put in place to replace it and increase it by 10%. If it cannot be achieved on site, the strong preference is for this to be provided close to where the building has taken place, within the Parish.
Policy 4
Policy 4 requires that a high proportion of new dwellings must be smaller to rebalance the supply of homes in the Parish. This is addressing the issue that first time buyers or those downsizing can find it hard to find smaller properties in the Parish. To some extent, this will also address the issue of the affordability of private housing. The policy is requiring that a high proportion of dwellings must be for smaller dwellings of 2 or 3 bedrooms.
Policy 5
Policy 5 identifies land in the Parish that supports nature recovery, resisting applications that harm or degrade this network. This is addressing the issue of nature recovery, by connecting up green spaces, woods and gardens to create a network for nature. The policy identifies land to be used for green infrastructure, which is land that is already known as beneficial for wildlife, ancient woodland, significant hedges and lines of trees, along with streams and ponds. The policy protects this land by ensuring the functional value for wildlife is maintained, and resists proposals that lead to the deterioration of irreplaceable habitats, such as ancient woodland, ancient wood paster and historic parkland.
Policy 6
Policy 6 deals with open spaces. Most open spaces in the parish are in the Green Belt, so already protected, but six are not. This policy designates these ‘local green spaces’ so that they will also have green belt protection. It also identifies 28 ‘local amenity spaces’. These are already all Green Belt, Common Land or Village Green, and the policy will protect their wider recreational or amenity value to the community. The issue this policy is addressing is the need to ensure that green spaces are protected. The vast majority of the Parish is within the Green Belt, and therefore is already protected by Government policy. However, there are six spaces which are not in the Green Belt, and this policy identifies these as ‘local green spaces’ to which Green Belt policy will apply. There are also a wide range of different types of spaces which have a recreational or wellbeing function that are designated ‘local amenity spaces’. Many of these are already in the Green Belt which protects them from development. Designating them local amenity spaces indicates the important community function that they deliver.
Policy 7
Policy 7 supports existing businesses to protect the jobs in the Parish, and would not allow these sites to be changed to residential uses. This is addressing the issue of the Parish becoming a ‘dormitory’ if we were to lose our local job opportunities. There are a number of businesses in the Parish, and this policy supports the continued use of these sites for commercial purposes, so long as they are not harming residential quality of life, and resists changing their use to residential. There are 23 commercial properties identified, and these are listed in the policy.
Policy 8
Policy 8 identifies community uses in the Parish, including Pubs, and stops them changing to residential. This is addressing the issue that we need to keep facilities that support the community. It protects buildings and the land around them that are currently in community uses from being changed to other uses. The facilities and public houses to be protected are listed in the policy.
Policy 9
Policy 9 identifies a sustainable travel network, which developments must enhance and not harm. This is addressing the issue of being able to safely walk and cycle within the Parish. This policy identifies a sustainable travel network, and ensures that development enhances it, and does not in any way harm the way it currently functions. The sustainable travel network is shown on a map within the policy. Note: This policy (as with all the policies in the plan) relates to proposals that need planning permission. There are many issues related to the roads and paths in the Parish that can be dealt with by the highway authority without the need for planning permission and which are therefore not affected by this policy.